Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Alpine Loop Drive

This last Saturday we went with our good friends, Ryan and Michelle, to drive the scenic Alpine Loop and see all the beautiful fall colors before they were gone. Last year we missed it by a week or two, so we decided to go right now! It was just gorgeous. We also stopped to walk across a log across the river, but turns out I was the only one to do it:) Actually to everyone's credit I was the crazy one as the log was really very narrow, and I was the crazy one. Oh well, what can I say. Thanks out to Ryan and Michelle for going with us!

Crossing the log, and I didn't fall!

Hiking with Michelle and Ryan

Beautiful mountains with gold

Nathan and I on a log in the middle of the river


Kate said...

I love how beautiful the canyon is in the fall.... glad you guys got to enjoy it, and I'm glad you didn't fall off the log! :)

Michelle said...

Thanks out to you guys for bringing us! I think camping this weekend will be just as good... although, the clouds are rolling in... it better not rain on us. we'll see you in a couple of hours, we're excited!