Holy cow, we packed in lots over Memorial Day.
But if you are reading this blog, is that really a surprise by now? Ha.
Anyway, Kristie and Tom and Lilah came up on Friday in time for dinner. The kids got to play around, then have a bath and bedtime. Us adults stayed up very late talking, but it was a nice way to catch up with them, and it reminded me of before we had kids and would hang out with them. The next morning Nathan and Tom went out early mountain biking. Nathan said Tom loved it so much, and it is BE-U-TI-FUL this time of year. After they got back Kristie and I went out running, and by then the wind was picking up and a storm was coming. Tom biked along side Kristie, and took Lilah and James in the bike trailer. Cute little cousins :)
They stayed for lunch then had to head back home. Thank you so much for coming up, we love you and miss you, but enjoy the time that we get together!

Lilah and James ready to go
After the
McConnons left we decided to see if we could see any of the air show that was going on at Hill Air Force Base just down the canyon. It had been stormy off and on so we didn't know what would be flying. We were in luck and got to watch a fighter and an older plane do aerials right over our parked car. Turns out lots of people had the same idea as we did, and getting on base was a
hassle, so we parked in a parking lot just down from the base and got to watch.

James and Daddy
We opened the sunroof and watched from the parking lot.

Check out that jet and plane!
James thought it was so neat.
Saturday evening we spent at home together. Sunday we were grateful for the freedoms that have been fought for, and I thought of my own family that has served in the military.
We thank them all for their service.
Sunday afternoon we got ready for more visitors... Richard and Rachelle, and Elisa and Lydia and Kayla, our Texas Manwaring Family and James and Jackman's cousins!
We were seriously so excited that they were able to spend the night with us while on their trip up to Utah for Rachelle's sister's wedding.
Now it had been stormy that day and the day before. I looked at the mountain where Snowbasin is at, and there looked to be fresh snow. Two of the girls had never seen snow in their lives, and I thought this could really be cool. After dinner on Sunday (and the girls were already in their pj's) we decided to go check out the snow by the lift at Snowbasin.
Oh wow. There was still a twenty foot pile really from the run that is right there.
Everyone loved it. We took up the horsey sled and did that a few times, they climbed the mountain of snow and slid down (or jumped off in Nathan and Richard's case), and Lydia even got to make her own little snowman.

Warm weathered Manwarings enjoying the snow. I can't believe I hadn't taken James up before either, he loved sliding down that big mountain of snow, too!
Everyone did it, even little Kayla (okay, so Jackman stayed bundled up next to me, and I just took pictures, but almost everyone).

Lydia showing off a snowball, and the big mountain of snow in the background shows how tall it was. This little girl was loving the snow, and didn't want to come in.
After a little bit though, and without the proper snow clothes, everyone was getting cold and wet, so we striped them all down and piled in the warm cars to head back home for a warm bath before bedtime. I think the snow tuckered them out because everyone was out for the night

It was so much fun to talk with Richard and Rachelle for a long time that night.
We really wished they lived closer. How fun would that be guys, eh?
Monday morning early Nathan took Richard out mountain biking, and he loved it too. Nathan loved being able to take more people out, and of course going himself.
Good brother bonding time.
We were all sad to see them leave for the airport later that morning, but especially James who cried his eyes out when he found out they were taking a plane ride and not coming back.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for coming!
So what were we to do now? I mean we still had a whole day to do something with.
Oh how about to visit the Parks' in Heber.
See from the sunshine that it turned out to be a nice day.

Jack actually liking the grass
He's so cute, and I forgot that they get more and more fun the older they get. He's at a great age right now. Still a baby, sleeping through the night, but can also laugh and play with us,

James playing with trucks in their gravel area
Nathan and Matt were going to go mountain biking when we got there (yes, seriously, Nathan had already gone that morning, but wanted to go again), but Matt was unable to get his bike from work where it was locked up. They were still able to go out, and Matt got to fish which is a favorite for him, and Nathan biked. Both were very happy.
When they got back Aubreigh and I went with Amy to
see the movie
What to Expect When You're Expecting.Very funny and I recommend it. I laughed out loud and cried too.
We got back home quite late, but made the most of every minute we had.
Thank you Parks' for the fun day!
Happy Memorial Day everyone!