Friday, August 21, 2009

One Month Old!!

Sorry for the wait, our computer was giving us troubles, but it is all fixed now :) So after one month, James' sleeping is getting better! I'm using the Babywise book to help him sleep through the night. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't so far. After a month we still love being parents, though it is the hardest thing we've ever done. Here are some pictures from this week:

Here is his first documented smile :) I'm still waiting for him to smile at me, but now i know what to look for at least!

Hanging out after eating,wish he was like this at nighttime

James is also losing his hair :( This shows his little receeding hairline. Also look how big he is getting!


Tiffeny said...

That little smile is so adorable! What a sweet little boy. That almost makes me want another one. :)

Tiffeny said...

(We want another one eventually...just not right now!)

Kate said...

That smile is adorable! I love gummy little baby smiles. I'm glad he's sleeping better, even if it's not consistent. I loved the idea of Babywise too, but it took a month or so before Hannah wouldn't conk out after each feeding so we could actually try to get her on a sleep, eat, play schedule. Is he just wide awake at night, or is he fussy? A fussy baby in the middle of the night is sooo hard. But it will get easier! Keep hanging in there! Parenting really is so incredibly rewarding yet also so incredibly hard! You can't really understand how exhausting it is until you're in it. :) And no worries, his hair will grow back. Maybe he'll avoid having the random bald spot on the back of his head like so many babies get! :) I think Hannah sported that bald spot for a good four months or so, LOL. Anyway, enjoy your handsome boy!

Karissa said...

Man he is so cute! =)

Kristi said...

So cute! Let me know if you want anymore help. For me each day seemed a little bit easier than the next, but those first few weeks were so hard! Hang in there, it only gets better!!! :)