Saturday, March 7, 2009

Nursing Take Home Message!!

So at my weekly adult clinicals I see all sorts of patients, and I would love to share some crazy stories, but alas, due to HIPPA I cannot, at least not on the blog anyway, but I do have some HUGE (no pun intended:) ) advice that I've learned from my patient's so far, and my BS degree from BYU has really helped to nail it down as well....

......whatever you do in life, DO NOT BECOME OBESE!!!!!!! I cannot elaborate, but problems compounded by more and more problems come from being over weight and obese. Just trust me on this one!


Stephanie said...

oh yeah...definitely seen that one! We should compare stories sometime...maybe I should have written those down...I'll have to try and remember!

Kate said...

Seriously. Obesity and everything that leads to it seems to cause every kind of disease out there, doesn't it?

Kendra said...

It does!! I couldn't agree more

John and Victoria said...

amen. Couldn't agree with you more. That and smoking. I can't believe it but there are so many healthcare workers who smoke. There are something like 5+ people in my class of 50 who smoke. Who does that anymore???