Pictures before the race:
Friday, June 27, 2008
Provo Triathlon
Pictures before the race:
Posted by Kendra at 8:39 PM 8 comments
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Visit from the Grazuli'
My little sister, Kirstin, is going to BYU this summer, and she needed a place to live, so we offered to have her live with us, and she's just moved in! We are so excited to do lots of fun things, and she gets two built in tutors for her classes, pretty sweet deal. Mom helped her move out from our home in Englewood, CO, and is was so fun having her stay with us. I unfortunately had finals for my very last class, but that was okay since it worked out nicely. I even was able to sneek them both into the cadaver lab for functional anatomy, and showed them a cadaver. A new experience for both, though I will admit that cadaver's don't always look real. I did get to go on a hike with just my mom, and it was really fun.
Posted by Kendra at 11:13 AM 1 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Fun at the Farm
This weekend we went back up to the farm, and had a grand ol' time! We got up there earlier than usual, which was great, and got to see the new shop that Mike and Misty are building. We also watched a movie with them, and had a good nights sleep. The next morning we went on a bike ride with our awesome road bikes all the way up to Deer Cliff Inn. It is so beautiful up there, that is definitely where we want to end up someday. Overall it was a 14mile ride, not too shabby eh?
Posted by Kendra at 10:49 PM 3 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
Anatomy can be intense!
Functional Anatomy is the last class that I have to take before I get my diploma from BYU. It has turned out to be one of my favorite classes ever, though the time and brainpower needed for the class is intense. I am glad that this is my only class (besides tennis) for Spring Term. Below are just a few things we are learning about. Today though was the most interesting day yet....

The brachial plexus.
Posted by Kendra at 10:48 PM 1 comments
Hot Springs and Camping
So this year Nathan and I have decided that we really need to take advantage of the beautiful state that we live in, and go out and do as many outdoor things as possible. Last Thursday and Friday we went to the hot springs and camping with our awesome cousins, Tom and Kristie McConnon. This time of year is so gorgeous, and we love being outdoors more and more. These hot springs up Diamond Fork road by Spanish Fork are wonderful, and we can't believe that we've lived so close but have never been before this year!
Nathan and I at the springs, it is so beautiful this time of year,
and that is one good looking couple!
Good thing we didn't see any of these at the spring:) Ganga(aka awkward in Chinese)! However, we did have a "ganga" moment. Besides us there were about six Koreans in the hottest of the hot springs (Nathan is pretty good about telling the difference between the different Asian nationalities as he ran into all of them on his mission, taught the Chinese people, and can distinguish the differences between what seem to us Americans as just Asian people). Anyway, as they were getting out, the girl that was with them said something in Korean to her friends, and it sounded exactly like she had said "hot pockets", in the same tone and sort of melody as the commercial does. Well, Nathan just repeats what we are all thinking, and that is the words "hot pockets" from the jingle. She turned around and looked like she thought Nathan was making fun of her, when really he just started singing along to the jingle that she had "started". Anyway, it was pretty funny, you might have had to have been there, but "hot pockets" will now forever remind the four of us of our trip to the hot springs:)
So this was the camp site we chose. It was beautiful, and we sort of scared some other people away from it, too. Here is the story, and another "ganga" moment in two days! Kristie and I saw the area, between a grove of trees, next to the babbling brook, with a fire pit, and lots of soft grass to set the tents up in. It was perfect. This couple was sitting on a fallen log, and when we came up we asked if they were going to stay for the night. They said no, but they looked as if they had been in deep conversation. I then said "You're not proposing are you?" No response, but she sort of tickled his thigh, and he looked embarrassed, and then they left. Maybe he was, maybe it was their first date, we'll never know, either way we got the great spot for camping. Oh well, I put my foot in my mouth again. The picture shows me putting up the tent all by myself! I did a pretty dang good job too as it rained all night(from about 3am to 8am) and we never got wet!
It was sooo cute.
Posted by Kendra at 2:20 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Nursing School!!!!
So, by the title of the post can you guess what this is about....
I can breathe a little easier now the thing I've been working for(bunches of pre-requirements, moving lots of times, and applying but then moving from a few schools, and applying other places but not being accepted) has actually come to pass. This last week on Tuesday I got an acceptance letter to nursing school!!!!!!!!! Thats right folks, by next May I will be a LPN. The RN we'll do later, just getting in(and especially for this August) is really a prayer answered and a huge blessing. The program is through UVU, so we don't have to move yet:) It is great that it is starting so quickly, that we'll still be able to go to the Bahama's like planned, and it isn't costing an arm and two legs either, but it's less than BYU's tuition which is very reasonable. This post is a little late on the news, but it took time to sink in that it is actually happening. Now I'll be able to use all the awesome things she's been learning about the human body in a real life application! Thanks to my parents especially for never giving up that I'd get in, love you guys bunches:)
Posted by Kendra at 4:16 PM 3 comments
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Tandem Bikes and Hot Pots
On Saturday, May 30th, we ended up not going up to Idaho as planned, but knowing us, that didn't keep us from having a full day. Besides going to our ward picnic, which was fun with the volleyball game and great food, we also did two really fun activities with our friends the Rouche's. Josiah was one of Nathan's mission companions, and he's been married to his wife, Meghan for just over a year. They are lots of fun, so yesterday we rented tandem bikes and rode up to Bridal Veil falls in the Provo Canyon. Unfortunately when we were almost there, the chain on their bike broke, so they had to coast most the way back down, while we quickly rode back to Outdoors Unlimited to return our bike, pick up our car, and meet them in our Santa Fe to bring them the rest of the way back.
Posted by Kendra at 10:56 AM 3 comments