The movie also shows that when the family works together and uses their different talents, that they can overcome all forces of evil and do "incredible things".
Saturday, October 29, 2011
An Incredible Family
The movie also shows that when the family works together and uses their different talents, that they can overcome all forces of evil and do "incredible things".
Posted by Kendra at 12:40 PM 2 comments
Monkey Mountain

Nothing shows you that you are bigger than climbing into that following your two year old!
Afterwards we had a very yummy lunch at Kneaders. Thanks guys, James is asking to do it again soon:) He loves saying Monkey Mountain.
Posted by Kendra at 12:03 PM 0 comments
Asian Star Dinner
Jackman is so good, and gave her lots of smiles and was great for her.
It is rare to get her to look and smile at the camera!

My favorite is the walnut shrimp.
Thank you to everyone who came making it memorable for Grandma!
Posted by Kendra at 11:07 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 24, 2011
Hiking at Snowbasin

We even found moose tracks (reals ones, not the ice cream) on the trail going the opposite direction. I didn't really want to stumble upon one of those, though they aren't as scary as I've previously imagined. I also haven't seen one when hiking, but when running and it was in our neighborhood, it just hung out and ate grass as we went by.
Posted by Kendra at 1:18 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 16, 2011
October General Conference
One of my favorite talks was by President Uchdorf, first counselor in the first presidency. It was titled "You Matter to Him", and really helped me because I've been feeling small, insignificant, and left out lately. Check it out here.
Lady enjoyed the fall air:
And James got to do his favorite thing, go for a ride. He climbed up all by himself, then turned around and said "come on mommy"
Posted by Kendra at 12:43 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 15, 2011
September Colorado Trip
We of course got to see our family too. Uncle Kyle met his namesake, Jackman Kyle. That was neat. Uncle Kyle has been through so much, and is a wonderful example to my son of someone to live up to. He has beaten ALL (a type of leukemia that ususally strikes kids, but can be worse in adults), and now helps other cancer patients fight on through a program called Reel Recovery where they go fly fishing to help with the recovery and show others that recovery is possible. Aunt Carol got her baby fix with little Jack-Jack too:)

Good friend's of ours from since I was ten years old, Russell and Mina Colman, aka Grandpa and Grandma Colman, had us all over for dinner on Sunday night. They are so fun, and also great examples in my life. He used to be my Bishop in the Englewood Ward. Love them lots.

Of course there was Grammies and Bompa (my mom and dad), who love to hold and play with the little ones. James liked seeing their puppies, Lonie, Ellie, and Kelsey.
Fall is here, and I love it!
Posted by Kendra at 1:42 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Uintah Adventure
A few weeks ago in September we got to hang out with our good friends Aubreigh and Matt and Quinn Parks. The boys took all the little boys in the morning so Aubreigh and I could go shopping at the outlets in Park City. We met them (though not before getting a few phone calls about what to do with three little boys 2 and under) at a trail head in the Unitah's to eat lunch by a waterfall and go hiking.
Haha. Hiking?! What were we thinking?! We went about 30 yards, and figured out that going with Jackman, James, and Quinn would be lots of trouble. James and Quinn just wanted to throw stones at the water, but their little legs weren't as stable as their parents wanted them to be, they kept tripping, and we were afraid they would fall in. Throw in a case of both of them wanting to be independent and walking by themselves and not in the backpacks, and Aubreigh and I ended up taking the little ones home and let our big boys go out hiking and fishing.
When we got back to the Parks' home, it looked like a scene from the movie "Daddy Daycare". However, all three were alive, happy, and fed. Sometimes that is all you can do. I think that they appreciate us mommy's a little more, and we appreciate all they do for us in letting us stay home with the kiddo's (but it is nice to be able to go shopping sans kids with your girlfriends too sometimes! That night we got to watch the BYU game with them at their home. BYU lost, but it was a very fun weekend. Thanks guys for having us!
Posted by Kendra at 4:41 PM 0 comments