Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pumpkinman Triathlon

On October 17th Nathan and I raced in the Pumpkinman Triathlon down atLake Mead, NV. I didn't do as well as I would have liked on the swim, but what was my favorite was that Nathan waited for me at the transition so we got to bike, run, and cross the finish line holding hands :) I was so grateful for his support during the race, it was a really hard course between the heat and the bike being entirely uphill, we had both just gotten sick, and it was less than three months after having James. Considering all that I was just excited that I could do it. Mom and Dad Manwaring come up to watch us and James during the race. It is always nice to have people cheering you on from the sidelines! Thanks again a ton!!

After we finished in front of Lake Mead

James having his bath the night before in the hotel

Bike transition area

Grandpa and Grandma and little James :) Thanks again guys for coming!!


Chelsea said...

So cute. I love the bath in the sink picture, he looks so alert and happy!

Kate said...

Regardless of how you did, good for you for getting up and doing that so soon after having a baby! So sweet that Nathan waited for you. And I LOVE that picture of James in the sink!!