James is the cutest baby, and though I am biased, I think I'm right :) Here are some of the new things he does that are my favorite:
~He says "ah-goo", and will sometimes do it back when we say it to him
~He smiles so much, all the time
~He smiles and laughs with his whole body
~He is finding his voice
~He is a little ticklish
~He'll hold my fingers when he is eating
~He'll go into a euphoric state when he's sleepy and we put in his binky
~His little snuggles into my neck when I'm holding him
~He loves bath time, and is so cute in the water when we wants to suck on his washcloth
~He sleeps through the night consistently!
I love my sweet little boy:)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Some of My Favorite Things...
Posted by Kendra at 11:52 AM 4 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
3 months old!!
Wow, the time sure has flown by, and James is now 3 months old! He is such a happy little boy, and we are so grateful to have him :) We love him so much, and when he smiles at you it makes your whole day. James also had his first little cold, so I took him to the doc to have him checked out and to make sure it hadn't turned into an ear infection. He had a little fever, nothing too high, and a small cough. A little baby Tylenol later, and he was feeling much better, and today he is back to his happy self. Saturday we took him on a fun bike ride up the canyon in the chariot that we are borrowing. It was fun, and we just beat the storm. I think that we'll have to find one of those for ourselves here pretty soon, we like biking as a family :)
Posted by Kendra at 3:43 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Pumpkinman Triathlon
On October 17th Nathan and I raced in the Pumpkinman Triathlon down atLake Mead, NV. I didn't do as well as I would have liked on the swim, but what was my favorite was that Nathan waited for me at the transition so we got to bike, run, and cross the finish line holding hands :) I was so grateful for his support during the race, it was a really hard course between the heat and the bike being entirely uphill, we had both just gotten sick, and it was less than three months after having James. Considering all that I was just excited that I could do it. Mom and Dad Manwaring come up to watch us and James during the race. It is always nice to have people cheering you on from the sidelines! Thanks again a ton!!
Posted by Kendra at 10:23 AM 2 comments
Monday, October 19, 2009
Denver Conference Trip
Nathan had the opportunity to attend a work conference in Denver the 11th-14th, which was wonderful because I got to go along and visit my side of the family! We went a little early and had a nice little vacation :) We did many fun things, including staying with my Grams at her new place on Friday and Saturday night. On Sunday Nathan had to check into the hotel downtown, the Grand Hyatt, for the conference, so James and I got to go along and stayed there with him. Monday we visited with some old friends, Russell Coleman, had a sandwich in the park, and visited Cinnamon our horse too. That night Nathan and I got to go out on a date while Grams, Mom, and Dad watched James. However, due to a parking ticket mishap downtown, I wasn't in the best of moods, so we went out to eat, then beat most of the traffic from the Rockies/Phillies game back to Gram's place to spend time with family. Tuesday Mom, Dad, little James, and I went to the Littleton Historical Museum. It is a living museum, and they've added on a lot since the last time I was there. I really liked it, and it was neat bringing my babe to places that I remember as a little kid :) I also got to visit with my old Young Women's leader and good friend, Kristine Thorpe. It is always lots of fun catching up with old friends. Tuesday evening Uncle Kyle and Aunt Carol had us over for dinner, and we were able to spend some good time with them. Wednesday we checked out of our hotel, and were able to go out to eat with Mom and Dad before Dad had to work, then out to Gram's to say goodbye before heading to the airport. It was a great visit with family, although always too short. I loved visiting during this season, and can't wait to go back again. Thanks for the fun everyone :)
Posted by Kendra at 2:31 PM 3 comments
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Conference Weekend
October 3rd and 4th was General Conference, and we went up to the Haworth farm to watch it. Some of my favorite talks included Elder Bednar's about being more diligent at home with the things that we should be doing. That talk reiterated a challenge our Stake is doing called "100 % for 100 days", where we are challenged to give 100% and do things such as temple attendence, family and individualpray and scripture study to name a few 100% perfect for the 100 days up to Christmas. Anyway, I liked his talk and Nathan and I are continually trying to be better always to make our marriage and home a place where we love to be.
At Grandpa and Grandma's the Tanner's came up, and so did Kristie and Tom. What fun it is to be able to see different parts of the family just about everytime we are up there. Sherri made this fantastic applesauce from these apples from a tree that was overloaded with them down in the riverbottoms on Grandpa's property. We aren't sure what kind they are, some sort of a hybrid, but the tree has been there for forever. Anyway, we brought home some more apples to see if I can try my hand at canning them.
Aubreigh and Matt Parks have some grandparents that live in Logan, and they went to visit them for Conference. We got the opportunity to meet each other's grandparents, and Matt and Nathan got to go fishing while I showed Aubreigh the farm via the ATV before the Priesthood session on Saturday evening.
We got to see the Kutterer's too on Friday and Sunday. James loves looking at all the new people. Hope that everyone had a good Conference weekend! We didn't take many pictures, but check out a few cute ones:
Posted by Kendra at 1:30 PM 7 comments