This last Sunday we had James' blessing, and the amount of love and support that was shown was overwhelming to say the least. It was a whole weekend of family! Saturday we watched the BYU vs. Oaklahoma game, and WOW, BYU delivered!! That was so awesome to see. A big surprise this weekend was on Saturday morning when Grandpa and Grandma Haworth called us and said they were coming that day for the blessing the next day, and they'd be there in time to watch the game. Since James Robert's middle name is after Grandpa, it was wonderful that they could come, and I know how hard it was for Grandma to travel. Thank you again! We had a surprise birthday party for Robert (Nathan's oldest brother) when they got there that evening.

Watching the game, G&G Haworth, Nathan w/ James, Bryan, and Cory

Kaylee loves her new cousin, "baby James", and she told everyone there, it was so cute
Sunday was the blessing, and look at all the family that came! Nathan did such a good job, and the Spirit was so strong. Just when everyone was standing up I started to get teary. THANK YOU so much to everyone who came, it meant the world to us! Afterwards we had a picnic up South Fork Canyon at South Park. It was very yummy, and such fun to be able to be outdoors. It was the perfect ending to the perfect day.
Papa and Grandma with their newest grandson
My mama and dad with our little family
These brothers have sons so close in age
James Robert and Ryan Alan
Just 2 days shy of being exactly 2 months apart

All the family that came!

Jenn and James...roommates :)

All of my immediate family was there! Kendra, Nathan, James, Mom and Dad Grazulis, Kirstin, Tyler, Ann, Tanner, Kira, and Mike

Awesome cousins! Tyler, Kira, Tanner, and James

Our Forever Family

Nathan's family minus Richard and Rachelle, Elisa and Lydia, it just keeps growing!

We were honored to name our first son after Grandpa Robert "Bob" Haworth
Here he is holding his namesake, James Robert

At the park, eating...

...and playing games!
A big thanks to Jason for cooking the meat (so good), the Parks for helping with the food, and for everyone who made it a point to come! Thanks and we love you:)