Tuesday was Nathan's 25th Birthday!!! I love him so much, and hope that he had a great day. Kirstin came over during the day and was such a help cleaning our whole place and making cupcakes and muffins for everyone that came over that night. I couldn't have done it without you, thanks Kirst!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Happy 25 Nathan!!
Posted by Kendra at 11:23 PM 1 comments
Time with Fam
We went to the temple with the Kutterer's: Mike, Ann, Tyler, and Kira, and it is always special to be able to go, but even more special when it is with family. Afterwards we went out to eat at Red Robin for Nathan's birthday. Thank you guys for the fabulous meal and time together!
Posted by Kendra at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Steal of a Deal!!!
Today at work there was this stroller and carseat set, and I loved it! It also looked brand new, never used! I asked to put my name on it, and my boss said okay, if the person was willing to sell it for as much as my boss would give him (I work at Kid to Kid, and people bring in things to sell, which then Kid to Kid resells). Well, the person was not willing to part with it for the price offered, and I was devastated, I had finally found the one I wanted. I overheard the guy talking though, and he was going to list it on KSL later. As soon as I got home from work I looked, and low and behold, it was listed, but for even cheaper than I would have been able to buy it for at work. We called them, and fifteen minutes later, we were the proud owners of a carseat and stroller, for a great price, about half what we could get it new online. It looks new, and the people hardly used it, maybe the stroller was taken out once. It pays to shop around and wait for the deal you want! This is seriously the best deal I've seen, and we've been shoping around for awhile.
Posted by Kendra at 8:55 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Franklin Farm
This weekend we went up to the farm to visit, Mike, Misty, Tate, and Taylee, and Grandpa and Grandma too. On Friday though I felt as though I was getting sick, my neck muscles were achy, but I attributed that to working out on Thursday. Well, by Friday night I had the same sore throat that Nathan had last week, and I couldn't breathe through my nose again, and I was just achy all over. The infection went back to my sinuses, and I now have my second sinus infection within three weeks. No fun! Needless to say, we did have some fun, but also a more relaxing time this time up there instead of doing many of the outdoor things we love. Tate was so excited for us to have a "sleepover" at his house! Being around him makes me more excited to have a little boy. Thank you guys for the great weekend, love you and see you again soon!
Posted by Kendra at 6:02 PM 2 comments
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Ultrasound and 20 week belly
Okay, so we had and ultrasound on Friday that Nathan was able to go to as well, and we are having a....

Posted by Kendra at 4:16 PM 12 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
So we get to see if it is a boy or girl this week, anyone have guesses? The wait is almost over!!!!
Posted by Kendra at 8:46 PM 8 comments
Friday Night Dinner and a Movie
This last Friday we got together with Kristie and Tom, and made homemade pizzas! So good, they are becoming one of Nathan's favorite foods interestingly enough. They are so much fun and we are very blessed to be such good friends with them.
The movie did make me cry, and it was hilarious, especially when the nurse was asking him questions as he is going in for a routine procedure. I've had to do that, but I've never had anyone as uncooperative as him. Then his description of the result of the laxatives he had to take had me rolling on the ground with tears coming out my eyes. As he is being wheeled back for his procedure, the conversation between the nurse and the surgeon is quite like a real one that I've seen, unprofessional and it is an "are you kidding me" moment. Anyway, I loved it and recommend it. Thanks Tom and Kristie for the fun times, love you guys!

Posted by Kendra at 8:45 PM 2 comments
Saturday, March 7, 2009
We went on a fun hike last weekend with Jenn and Lady, up a different area than last time, but still fun. We went up to Timpanogos Reading Park, and even spotted a deer in the brush. Last time we did Lady was off and running, but this time she was content to stay near us. It was getting so muddy at times that we left the trail and just went straight up! Thanks Jenn for going with us, it is nice to get out of the house sometimes!
Posted by Kendra at 10:47 PM 1 comments
Nursing Take Home Message!!
So at my weekly adult clinicals I see all sorts of patients, and I would love to share some crazy stories, but alas, due to HIPPA I cannot, at least not on the blog anyway, but I do have some HUGE (no pun intended:) ) advice that I've learned from my patient's so far, and my BS degree from BYU has really helped to nail it down as well....
......whatever you do in life, DO NOT BECOME OBESE!!!!!!! I cannot elaborate, but problems compounded by more and more problems come from being over weight and obese. Just trust me on this one!
Posted by Kendra at 6:02 PM 4 comments