Monday, October 6, 2008

Fall Camping

The day before conference we went camping up at our favorite park, Big Springs, with Jason and Nicole, and our friends Ryan and Michelle Williams. It was so much fun! The leaves have changed so much in one week, and it is definitely fall now. We found a great place, set up camp, and made dutch oven pizzas and cobbler, along with the old favorite smore's, and a new favorite woof'ems. Michelle and Ryan taught us about those, they are biscuits cooked over the campfire in the shape of cups, then putting pudding into the cup, and woofing them down:) After dinner we went on a night hike, and even went by the beaver dam. Pretty neat, but it was a little scary in the dark (actually the whole hike was a little scary in the dark). We got back to our tents just as it started to sprinkle. The next morning breakfast had to be deferred because it rained all night, and it was still raining when we awoke. Actually, it rained all day, but luckily no one's tent leaked, so we had a good sleep. Thanks Jason and Nicole, and Ryan and Michelle! We had lots of fun, and we'll have to do it again sometime:)

Kendra and Lady next to the campfire

Nathan and Jason, with the homemade dutch oven pizza! Thanks to Jason and Nicole for some awesome food, it was fantastic!

Kendra and Michelle sporting our hats, it was cold at night:)


Michelle said...

I DEFINITELY agree, we will have to do it again. If there is a dry weekend- we should jump on it and set up our tents again! Thank you so much for bringing us, letting us borrow your sleeping bags, and providing great company! We had a great time!

Kate said...

i'm bummed i didn't get to camp this year! looks like you had fun, though!

oh, and don't tempt me with your job!! :) you'll probably still hear from me sometime, though.... sigh. i'm a lost cause when it comes to little girl clothes.