This year was Thanksgiving in Colorado.
Boy did we do a lot of things in the few days that we were there:
Went to downtown Littleton, and saw Santa light the lights on the trees. It was cold, and then it got windy, but it has been a tradition from the time I was a little girl.
I was glad I could share it with my sister, my parents, and now my little boys and Nathan

Went to the Butterfly Pavilion! It is this neat place that is a giant indoor tropical paradise, and there are butterflies everywhere that you get to see.
You have to be careful not to step on them, too.
Look at James' face showing his daddy one that was flying! And that wasn't posed.
There was also a fun learning and exploring area for little kids like James, and he climbed the rope spider's web.

Also at the Butterfly Pavilion there are other area's that you can see other things, like underwater creatures, neat bugs, and spiders!
You can even hold Rosie the Rose-haired Tarantula, and we all did it!
Look at James, he did it too, and he giggled and thought it was neat.
I on the other hand had to wait until I was holding her before I would look, it did get the adrenaline pumping holding such a big spider.

We had a great Thanksgiving dinner at my Uncle Kyle and Aunt Carol's house.
I love getting pictures with Uncle Kyle and his namesake Jackman Kyle.
Kirstin actually surprised everyone and drove out right from Utah, and made it right as we were leaving to go to dinner. Man were mom and dad surprised. It was so hard for me to keep it a secret, especially because they kept asking about her, and I
kept thinking
just wait an hour and you'll see her!I am thankful for family!

We rode Cinnamon our horse. James loved it! He wanted to go around again, and again, and again. It was his first time up on the horse, and I think he is hooked, which is good because someday I'd like to have one.
We got everyone up who wanted to go, and Jack-Jack got to touch her.
She has always been so good with kids, and she changed when we brought the baby over, incredibly calm. And Jack liked it.
Kirstin introduced Mom and Dad to "planking", and they all had a turn "planking" in the barn.

Family time at Kyle and Carol's

We had lots of great family time.
James got to play with his second cousins Landin and Dakota, Grandma Kitty and Gramies got to have quality time with the kids, and we got to visit and take pictures with everyone.

Four Generations
Julie, Kitty, Kendra, and Jackman
Happy Thanksgiving! We hope yours was filled with family, food, and fun:)