Over the Labor Day weekend we did a few things like...
Visit Grandma Lois Manwaring in Pocatello. She was so sweet. We had a great lunch, she loved to snuggle and hold Jack, and even got on the floor to play cars with James. He warmed up to her after she showed a love of cars:)
She had been sick with shingles, but we are glad that she is better now and hope to see her again very soon!

All Manwarings

Grandma Lois with Jack, he is watching her intently
...We went to Franklin to see Grandpa and Grandma Haworth. The Tanner's and McConnon's were also up there, but we unfortunately didn't get any pictures with them.
We watched some football of course, and James is such a boy, he climbed up onto Grandpa's lap to watch with Grandpa all by himself...

Grandpa and James, it was a nail biting game of USU vs Auburn
...Jack got to be held and snuggled by more of his great-grandparents...

Grandpa and Grandma Haworth and Jackman
...James and Mommy went on a four-wheeler ride...

Doesn't James look excited? He kept asking to go on a ride, and he loved it.
...We saw some cows on the ride of course at the barns, fed them some hay, and talked to them in their language...
...and then we talked about how James is in LOVE with all things "tractor" right now and said when Grandpa does his cutting that we'll have to come up. Well, he was cutting hay the next day, but offered to give James a ride right then. How cool is that?! James was in HeAvEn!!

James with his Grandpa Haworth riding a John Deer, he never stopped smiling
Maybe James will be the next farmer in the family?
Thank you Grandpa!