Wednesday, December 16, 2009

4 Months

Yes, this post is a little late, but here are some quick stats from James' 4 month apt (actually it was 4 mo 19 days):

Weight: 12.19lbs, 2 %
Length: 24.0 in, 7%
Head circumference: 16.1 in, 11%

Okay, okay, he is small, but he is growing and healthy, and especially happy, so the doctors aren't worried. James loves to be held up standing (his favorite), has found his toes (who needs toys when we have toes?!), makes all sorts of noises like ah-goo and raspberries, has the biggest grin, rolled over all by himself today for the first time, and loves his little monkey animal. I didn't know that I would love him this much, but I do.

I'll endure tummy time


Big Blue Eyes, my usual expression with my eyebrows up


Kate said...

I love the little eyebrows! You're right, he is small, but the most important thing is that he's growing! He's starting to get to such a fun age... well, every age is fun, but I think they get more fun as they get older because they just show more and more personality!

Karissa said...

Man that last picture sure is cute =)

Joey and Michelle Chandler Family said...

I love that last picture. What a cute, happy little guy.