We took family pictures...

...I LOVE the colors this year!
My whole world right there
Moments in the life of Nathan, Kendra, James, Jack, Jonathan, Jordan, & Jett
Posted by Kendra at 10:59 PM 0 comments
We visited Franklin before Christmas, and there was a fog that came in the night before. Look at what it did to the landscape, absolutely breathtaking...
Posted by Kendra at 10:18 PM 0 comments
We went to the Hogle Zoo Lights this year with Aubreigh and Matt. It was cold, but worth it, and the hot chocolate was good too!
Posted by Kendra at 12:17 AM 1 comments
James was learning how to play the piano, he's getting pretty good too :)
Posted by Kendra at 4:53 PM 2 comments
James is now over 5 months old! I don't know where the time has gone, but I just know that I'm on the brink of being even more tired when he starts to move around by himself. Here are some milestones he's reached and when:
~Started sitting up unsupported on December 19th, at Grandpa and Grandma Haworth's.
~Started consistently rolling from tummy to back on January 5th, but has rolled over before that.
~Found toes month 4.
~Putting everything into his mouth now.
~Making new noises such as blowing raspberries, screaching, making himself cough...
~Eats solids, started peas over Christmas, eats bananas, sweet potatoes, peas, oatmeal (new as of yesterday, Jan 7) and rice cereal.
~Rolled back to belly for first time on Monday, January 11, 2010, and was rolling continuously the next day
~Cut front bottom teeth on same day! January 19, 2010
~Forward, purposeful motion for first time (like a worm dance move), March 10, 2010
~Saying dadadada on March 11, 2010.
Posted by Kendra at 9:48 PM 0 comments
Yes, this post is a little late, but here are some quick stats from James' 4 month apt (actually it was 4 mo 19 days):
Weight: 12.19lbs, 2 %
Length: 24.0 in, 7%
Head circumference: 16.1 in, 11%
Okay, okay, he is small, but he is growing and healthy, and especially happy, so the doctors aren't worried. James loves to be held up standing (his favorite), has found his toes (who needs toys when we have toes?!), makes all sorts of noises like ah-goo and raspberries, has the biggest grin, rolled over all by himself today for the first time, and loves his little monkey animal. I didn't know that I would love him this much, but I do.
Posted by Kendra at 10:40 AM 3 comments
Last weekend we took a quick trip to Denver to see that side of the family. Kendra's Uncle Kyle was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia last month, so we decided to go visit him. He is doing well, got through the first round of chemo, and is starting the next round early because he did so well with the last one. His blood smears have come back clean, which is a good thing. We wanted to go see him though. It was also Kendra's 25th birthday, so we got to celebrate with her family, which is always fun. Here is our trip in pictures:
Posted by Kendra at 10:16 AM 0 comments
So James tried rice cereal again, and this time...
Posted by Kendra at 10:07 AM 2 comments
James LOVES bath time! He has also started splashing, and it is just the cutest thing. Not to mention sucking on the washcloth. Here he is at Thanksgiving enjoying his bath. Enjoy!
Posted by Kendra at 1:08 PM 3 comments
It was an awesome game this year, I thought we were going to choke at the end, but BYU pulled through in OT, 26-23. We watched it with Grandma Hiller, someday we'll get TV:) Where do our loyalties lie...
Posted by Kendra at 1:01 PM 0 comments
We have so much to be thankful for: our family, health, a job in this recession, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and a bright future. This Thanksgiving we spent up in Clearfield with the Kutterer's :) Lots of fun, great food and company, thanks guys! We stayed the night, and forgot many (essential) things at their house so had to go back the next day, haha. Take a lookey:
Posted by Kendra at 12:44 PM 0 comments