Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Post to Lady

Well, for no particular reason, except that she has been really good lately, this post is for Lady. We've taken her for walks, running, and good excursions to the farm this summer, and Lady is I must say, the best dog ever. I love it when we are walking, and little kids run up and want to pet her, and she sits still, lets them run their hands over her face, back, and tail, then she leaves them with a lick on their hands (that part I'd like to change, but hey not too bad for a two year old dog!) Some things that are really good and cute about her:
-When people come over, and after she has quieted down she chews her bone
-When she is hungry and she brings me her food bowl
-Curling up on my feet when I'm eating or on the computer
-Being a good dog, never barking or growling
-Not running away when off lease, and sticking around the farm when we go up
-Not chewing stuff up, just her toys
-When she naps and has a dream and she makes little ruffing noises, and looks like she is running, sort of like Bruno in "Cinderella"
-Going on fun walks in the mountains, and she finds something to bring back to us, like a bone of some kind.
She is our buddy, and no matter what, she has found her home with us.

Going on an autum hike

Tired after running

Running in the fields at the farm

Best buddies taking a nap:)


Kate said...

aww, so sweet! i'm so glad that she has found the perfect home with you guys!

Julie said...

Lady is so.....well, so "ladylike" with just the right amount of enery. I love her!!