So every year at Nathan's work they have a summer party where they give out awesome prizes at the end. Last year it was set up where they drew your name out of a hat, and they you got that prize. These ranged from iPod's to cash prizes, a wii(yuck, if anyone knows me they know I hate video games, and we would have taken that one back to the store or sold it on eBay if we had won it) to a 52" flatscreen TV. Last year we won cash, and this year they set it up where you got to bid on prizes, like survior, and some prizes you didn't know what they were. Some were movie tickets, and then another was a GPS system. Also, they don't tell you when they are done, so if you save your money until the end, the end might be too late and everything would be gone. Well, it was getting to be what we thought would be the end, so we went all in on our bidding, which automatically wins the prize. It was a couples massage to Sego Lily Day Spa in Salt Lake City, and it was so much fun! We've decided that we want to do another spa retreat, and maybe give experiences as gifts for Christmas. Either way, we recommend this Spa to anyone, it was awesome! Thanks to Equation Consulting for a great party!This was the women's changing area. Click HERE for a link to the spa website!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Sego Lily Day Spa
Posted by Kendra at 12:43 PM 1 comments
Hiller Family Reunion
The annual Hiller Family Reunion was on August 16th this year up in Centerville, Utah. I love family reunions, as they are a chance to see extended family that you normally don't get to see. The Hiller's are on Nathan's side of the family, his mom's mom, or Grandma Haworth's side. A few of Grandma Haworth's siblings were there, including Carl, the youngest brother, and most of his kids, and another brother Melvin, as well as Grandma herself. Grandma Hiller was there as well, and it is always fun to see her. We ate great food, played games including tennis, and talked with family. Thanks to Carl and Debbie Hiller for organizing it again this year, it was great! Kristie Lee McConnon with Grandma Hiller, just having a good time, we love these two so much!
Posted by Kendra at 12:43 PM 0 comments
Franklin Trip and Grace Rodeo
Right after we got back from the Bahamas, our cousins Mike and Misty Porter invited us to go to a rodeo with them in Grace, ID. When we got up to the farm to stay the night before, it was like a mini family reunion! We had no idea almost all of the Haworth sister's would be there, we just knew that Mom Manwaring would be there. So I got to do one of my very favorite things, take the little cousin's horseback riding!!!!! I absolutely love doing that. Later that day we got to go to the rodeo, and had an awesome time, the bull riding was intense, the double patty cheeseburgers were delicious(not the best for you, but really yummy), and we got to be with family. We also got to help Grandpa feed the cows and horses, and enjoyed the smells of the farm in Franklin. We love the farm so much, it is a favorite place for us to go.
Posted by Kendra at 12:42 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Post to Lady
Well, for no particular reason, except that she has been really good lately, this post is for Lady. We've taken her for walks, running, and good excursions to the farm this summer, and Lady is I must say, the best dog ever. I love it when we are walking, and little kids run up and want to pet her, and she sits still, lets them run their hands over her face, back, and tail, then she leaves them with a lick on their hands (that part I'd like to change, but hey not too bad for a two year old dog!) Some things that are really good and cute about her:
-When people come over, and after she has quieted down she chews her bone
-When she is hungry and she brings me her food bowl
-Curling up on my feet when I'm eating or on the computer
-Being a good dog, never barking or growling
-Not running away when off lease, and sticking around the farm when we go up
-Not chewing stuff up, just her toys
-When she naps and has a dream and she makes little ruffing noises, and looks like she is running, sort of like Bruno in "Cinderella"
-Going on fun walks in the mountains, and she finds something to bring back to us, like a bone of some kind.
She is our buddy, and no matter what, she has found her home with us.
Posted by Kendra at 4:14 PM 2 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Nursing School Update
Well, I finally received my state certificate and I'm a state certified nursing assistant, after it had gotten lost in the mail. I had assumed that had happened when my vouchers to take the state test had also been lost in the mail. (I don't really trust the mail system) Nursing school has also started, and I'm three weeks in, but I must admit that it is quite different than what I thought it would be. Honestly it is just a lot...easier than the prerequisite classes. I now remember that people had said you really work hard to get in, and then once you are in, you get taken by surprise because it just gets a lot easier. I talked to my friend Melissa who is a nurse and graduated about two years ago about this, and she said that she hated the actual nursing school for the first year and a half. So, after thinking and talking to Melissa, I'm liking school more and more, and we are now learning how to give shots! I don't know what happened, but I'm not even scared, which is pretty cool. School starts earlier, so I've been learning to wake up really early, but that has cut into my Olympic watching. I'm looking forward to my first clinical though.
Posted by Kendra at 9:58 AM 4 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
"I Still Do"
For Relief Society we had an activity called "I Still Do" where we could have wedding pictures retaken if we didn't like them before. Well, I didn't like mine from before, and Caroline Moore took the pictures, and they turned out so well!! Check out some of my favorites, they were all so good that I couldn't put them all up or this post would be 103 pictures long!:Thank you Caroline, I love the pictures!!!
Posted by Kendra at 9:24 AM 9 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Bahamas Album
Email us (or leave a comment) if you would like to see some more pictures of Eleuthera in the Beautiful Bahamas!
Posted by Kendra at 5:02 PM 0 comments