So this last Friday we went to Arizona to visit family for Jennifer's graduation. We unfortunately missed her graduation, but she did trip like me going up the stairs:) Way to go Jenn! The tradition lives on! (See the post "Graduation" for more on that story) The night before we had watched Transformers with Kristie and Tom, then when we drove down on Friday we went over Hoover Dam! Kind of funny, so we had to stop and take a few pictures. We also were able to stop and see our Aunt and Uncle, Bob and Diane Grazulis.
Nathan, Aunt Diane, Kendra, and Uncle Bob in Las Vegas

Kendra with the Hoover Dam in the background, and the new suspension being built in the background. Looks like it is going to be a scary bridge!

Here we are at the Hoover Dam, can you guess that it was really windy:)
It was great seeing everyone, though we did miss Kortney and Kaylee. We'll see them next time though. We had a fun time making memories, playing games, and enjoying dinner outside. Here is everyone at Sunday dinner, so yummy!

Later that night Nathan and I thought it would be fun to make a fire in the firepit, and sit around and talk with everyone. Really though the only ones who enjoyed it were Rich, Rachelle, and us. Elisa liked playing by it, too! Here is Kendra and Elisa blowing on the fire to get it going some more, or at least we were trying to help it out, I don't know how much good we really did.

What is Arizona without fun in the pool? It wasn't as hot there as we were expecting, but we did get to play an awesome game of water volleyball, guys vs. girls. The guys were dolphins, and when they would score or do something good they would all do dolphin moves, which was hysterical. Us girls then became starfish, so when we would do something good we'd be starfish against the wall, the net, and even once on the bottom of the pool. Talk about some fun memories! Here is Nathan with Elisa on one of our times in the pool.

Elisa didn't want to let go of Nathan, she didn't want to sink is what she said:)
When it was time to go home, we were eating lunch, and Elisa was the best big sister to Lydia, she was feeding her, and holding her cup of milk to her to drink. It was so cute, I hope that I have girls that are this nice to each other. This isn't the best picture of this activity, but I got what I could. Too bad you can't take pictures from your memories, they are always the best.

Lydia and Elisa eating lunch.
It was a great trip, though short, and we had so much fun with everyone. Thank you so much Mom and Dad for a great time with great food!