Baby James here, just wanted to give the world an update on my progress.
I had my nine month appointment last week, and I did so well!
I weighed 14.95 lbs (not on the charts) and was 26.5 in long (2nd %tile).
That night though I woke up and wasn't happy, and my two top front teeth were coming in! After not being happy for two days, and having a fever that wouldn't stop going up even with medicine, Mommy and Daddy took me back to the doctor. They found a double ear infection, my first ever. I feel much better now after I take my pink medicine, and I'm back to smiling :)
I am also crawling around all over the place, and I'm starting to pull myself up on things. I love practicing walking if you hold my little hands too. Watch out world, I'm ready to explore you, are you ready for me?
Here is what we've been up to:

Mommy and I played at the park. We went down slides and got to swing. I went with my friend Calvin and his Mommy Dannie.

I love bath time!!

We had a picnic with Tom and Kristie, Tom's brother Coleman, and Houston at Timpanogos Park. Daddy and Tom played a fun game with me :)

I'm sleeping pretty well again too! Mommy loves that.

I'm trying lots of new foods too! Cheese, meats, all sorts of solids. Who knew that the world held such wonderful tastes and didn't tell me sooner!!!!