Our awesome cousin and friend, Kristie Lee McConnon, graduated this last week from BYU with a BS in Exercise Science: Fitness and Wellness, a pretty close major to Kendra's but with an emphasis. We were able to go and support, and I personally think that there were some great speakers. We also got to see Rick and Sherri as they came down from Boise to see her. Afterwards we took some pictures, then headed up to Park City to have a fabulous Thai dinner at one of Kristie's favorite places (although at the moment the name of the place is escaping me). Congrats Kristie and we are so proud of your hard work and accomplishment!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Attending Graduation 09
Posted by Kendra at 11:30 PM 2 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
SpRiNg BrEaK!!! Part 3
Finally, for the last part of spring break we spent it with Richard and Rachelle in L.A. We had to see them one last time before they move to Mission, TX where Richard was offered a job to work at Kool Smiles after he graduates from UCLA dental school. They were so nice letting us stay with them and monopolizing them. We had lots of fun going to the Getty museum on Friday, then to Marie Calendar's for dinner. Saturday we had fun at the beach!!! And did we ever soak up the sun, maybe a little too much, but at least we don't look like snow white anymore! We also played lots of games, and cracked up over the funny things that Elisa and Lydia said. We love you guys so much, and we wish them luck in TX!
Posted by Kendra at 5:21 PM 2 comments
Thursday, April 23, 2009
sPrInG bReAk!!! Part 2
So here is spring break part II, the next day in San Diego (Thursday), Nathan and I returned to the zoo for a few more animals:
Posted by Kendra at 10:54 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
SpRiNg BrEaK!!! Part 1
This year I actually had a spring break!!! I know, amazing, and we decided to go to California to enjoy some sun and while there we missed a snow storm! Talk about lucky:) I'll break up the trip into three parts: the zoo, the Wild Animal Park, and LA with Rich and Rachelle. Well, Nathan had to work from the hotel on Tuesday night and Wednesday day, so I went to the zoo myself for the first part of Wednesday. Here are some pictures:
Posted by Kendra at 10:38 AM 1 comments
Easter this year was a lot of fun. First, in the morning the Easter Bunny had stopped by and had left a few baskets for us. The bunny had a hard time figuring out what to put in Nathan's basket since he has given up sweets, but managed to scramble up some yummy yet healthy treats all the same.
Next we went to church. There was such a special feeling, and I loved the talks given. Easter truly is a miraculous time to think about the atonement. There isn't a better time to think about new beginnings than in spring (and it was actually a beautiful day) and to think of the atonement and all that allows us to do. I am so grateful for Christ's sacrifice.
After church we had Karissa, Jennifer, Kristie, and Tom over for dinner. What a wonderful way to end the day than with family all around for dinner. We made pot roast with veggies, roasted butternut squash, creamed corn, and had rolls. Kirstin made it over after work too. We had a wonderful time, and hope that everyone else did as well!

Posted by Kendra at 10:23 AM 0 comments
Friends :)
Friends and family make us so happy! We were thinking about moving, but now have decided to stay in Provo for the next year until business school. I think it is a good decision, especially with a new baby coming, it would be sad, and hard, to leave all the dear friends that we have, right as I transition into motherhood. We look forward to getting to know a few more couples better, while keeping the friends that we do have, that is a goal of mine this summer. As many people move away at the end of the semester and for summer jobs/internships, we will be sad to see them go, but are happy for those that are staying.
Here we are with Michelle and Ryan for a "breakfast for dinner". Love you guys and we are glad you are staying this summer:)
Posted by Kendra at 10:17 AM 0 comments