On Monday Nathan called and he had gotten tickets from his company to that night's Jazz game vs. the Phoenix Suns. Though I had things due that week for school, we could not pass up an opportunity like that. It was awesome, I haven't been to an NBA game since I was very little, and we were able to see in person Shaq and Steve Nash, not to mention AK with his awesome stuffs on Shaq twice in a row, Boozer, Matt Harpring, and Kyle Korver (he is really good looking!) to name some favorites. The game was great, very close which made it exciting, and the best was that the Jazz won. Afterwards we swung by Grandma Hiller's to discuss the highlights. THanK YoU Equation Consulting for the tickets!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Jazz vs. Suns Game
Posted by Kendra at 7:50 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Las Vegas
This weekend we took a trip to Las Vegas for the ASCA National Specialty. Kirstin got the chance to show and do networking, so the trip was a success. Uncle Bob and Aunt Diane let us stay with them for the weekend, and we were able to do some fun shopping and see really neat things! It was fun, though as not big gamblers, drinkers, or partyer's, we had to figure out other things to do that also didn't cost an arm and leg! So here's what we did:
Posted by Kendra at 2:18 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Body Worlds
For one of my clinicals the whole class went to the Body World's exhibit in Salt Lake City. This is really neat, because they are real bodies that have been preserved in a new and special way so that no formaldehyde is used and it doesn't smell like anatomy lab at all. The different positions also were really neat. There was a whole circulatory system that they had preserved without the rest of the body. I also learned neat things about hearts, including how hard a normal person's heart works in comparison to super athlete Lance Armstrong. The downside though was the price, way expensive, even with the student and group discount that we got going together. Also, though it was neat to see, it was a bit like anatomy lab, except that you couldn't touch it. Oh well, very interesting none the less, and I snuck some pictures:)
Posted by Kendra at 10:48 PM 3 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
Halloween 2008
Halloween 08 was great! Actually we didn't dress up on the actual day, but we did for our ward chili cookoff/costume contest. We both wore our Chinese PJ's, and we were Kung Fu masters. On Halloween we got to speed it at Grandpa Haworth's farm while our car was getting new tires from the place that we got it in Preston, ID (yep, where the whole movie Napoleon Dynamite is based!). On Halloween I got to go for a horseback ride, and we rode fourwheelers, and gave candy out to the few kids that came by, we had a good dinner with Grandpa and Grandma, and watched "Priates, Dead Man's Chest". It was a good Halloween. The fourwheel ride at night was pretty scary actually. On Saturday we took little Tate Porter to play, and I took him on a horseback ride, jumped on the tramp, and threw the football around. Tate would count how many times they caught it, and associate the number with something, like 8, for eight spider legs. I could listen to Tate talk all day, he is the cutest! On Sunday, Mike and Misty had the blessing for Taylee, and Nathan was able to participate. It was so beautiful, especially after everything the poor little thing has been through so far. Then we had a great dinner at Doug and Debbie's that night. We played games, and listened to some good counsel from Doug about the upcoming times, and had good discussions. Thanks for great weekend one and all!
Posted by Kendra at 12:59 PM 3 comments