Monday, April 25, 2016

March Madness

Not exactly football, but all the random little moments that make up life...and they are usually madness!

Let's start here....Jack and James are doing a great job of getting themselves ready in the morning and at night, and keeping their closet clean.  One night they came down and were being really silly.  Dancing with underpants on the outside and one as a spiderman mask. HA!

Sending Happy Birthday wishes to a cousin via phone photo

When some friends come over, I'm the mom who will be okay with them making cookies.

These lovely ladies at the park.  Krystal, Natalie and I. Usually we only get a picture of the kids, but here's who's behind the camera.

A good picture of James with no front teeth one morning before school

James lost his tooth a week before family pictures.  He was wiggling it while in bed and it came right out!
Front big teeth get $2 a tooth!

Stake conference and another of the toothless grin

This is how we stake conference.  We go to the young women's room, which has great audio.  To sit for 2 hours is hard, and really we'd be in and out of the hall most of the time.  This way we do get to listen, our kids also sit for awhile, but if they get up or get a little rowdy it's okay.  We can stand to help us stay awake better too.  Here's Jonathan lounging while Nathan is standing.  A perfect example.  

James drew an entire scene during conference.  Complete with sea monsters and rockets. 

Visiting Grandma Hiller on her road to recovery from breaking her hip. She is doing much, much better!  

I love this lady so much.  Ever since Nathan and I were engaged I have felt like one of her granddaughers, one of her very own.  It was one of the very best things that circumstances brought us to live with her after everything fell apart when we lived in Texas after being first married.  Amazing to get to know her by living with her for 5 months, and I am grateful for the relationship that I have with her now. 

A cute moment captured of reading together

Some of my girls at OAC Crossfit. I'm taking a little break right now, but I love doing Crossfit with them!  Heidi, Brenda (one of the best trainer's ever!), and Wendy

Happy McDonald's day, just because :)

Jack wanted me to take a picture of this.  Snowmen that his friend's family had made, and they lasted awhile from a snowstorm that we had in March!

Happy March!