Boompa came out to visit in March for a few days, and then he was able to spend a few days with Kirstin when we had to go to the surprise weekend for Alan. On Wednesday when he got here we decided to take Boompa skiing. He hasn't been in about 40 years, so we were going to see how it went.
He did it! He was up! Turns out it is much harder to pick up your dad when he falls than it is your kids :(
He told me to go ahead and he'd figure out a way down, I wasn't leaving him! James went down, and I told him to go ahead and ride the lift. Jack went down but I told him to wait for me. So James was was going up and down on the lift and slope. Dad and I were only halfway down the little cat slope when I see James on the lift, and I can't figure out who he's with. Maybe he's found one of his school buddies...oh no, it's Jack. What the? I yell "how'd you get up there?"..."James helped me". Welp, big gulps eh? Guess we just gotta see what the little squirt does. And he could get off that lift by himself! I then kept helping Dad down the slope. Some of my favorite quotes from that time down the Little Cat Slope
Dad: I hope this wasn't expensive.
Me: No, we only got a half day little cat ticket, why?
Dad: I think I'm done after this.
(It was his first time down)
Dad: (After about half way down o his first time) Is it time for hot chocolate yet?
Dad: (Going fast) AAHHHH!
Me: Make a pizza, make a pizza! (with your skis)
Dad: I am!
Me: No those are French Fries!
Jack and James on the Little Cat lift
We made it, and we got hot chocolate!
By the big moose!
The next day after going to the gym (and Dad walked the soreness out of his legs), we went out and saw Chex. Jonathan loves this horse, and so he got to ride a little, brush him, and Dad liked being around horses.
Jack reading to Boompa from his reading program.
We are happy we got to spend a few days together, thank you for coming Boompa!
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