Okay, finally getting to this post! Warning, this is a long one.
May 11-16 we were able to go to the Manwaring Family Reunion in Las Vegas. It was so much fun getting everyone all together. The first day we went to a splash pad. Even Vegas was cooler than normal, so getting wet the kiddos would get cold. We warmed up by playing frisbee and That night we played volleyball all together. That had a funny story. Poor Richard was hit right in the gut with the volleyball, and got the wind knocked out of him. What was funny was when Mom was asking if he was going to throw up, Dad "clicked" the camera. Everyone was laughing. The very next serve Nathan accidentally pegged Richard in the back of the head, and all the girls hit the ground in hysterics, everyone was really laughing (except Richard, I am still so sorry that this was at your expense), and I did end up peeing my pants because a) I laughed so hard and b) the baby is sitting on my bladder, what could I do?
The second day we all went to see the lions being fed at the MGM grand. Turns out we had the wrong time for the feeding, but I still liked going to see them. Then we went to M&M world to see this movie. The movie was alright, it was only about 10 minutes, and this girl threw up on my leg while we were in line! Good thing that I was at the end of our family, if she had been in the middle of the family, or if I had been wearing something else besides flipflops and shorts, I probably would have had to leave due to the grossness of it all. Luckily I was able to wash it off and go on with our time. And really, what can you do besides just laugh. We also played games and had the MGM (Manwaring Garr Martin) talent show. We had some great talents and laughs too. Games included pool, card games like low life scum and Texas Holdem', playing in the dirt and with balls, playing games on the iPad, I played chase outside with the kids on the putting green, and of course "Barbies". Nathan brought bikes and was able to do a few bike rides (one with Jenn!) and runs too.
James, Nathan, Kaylee, Kayla, and Elisa
We also got to learn about the family more, where the Manwaring family names comes from, and we all got reunion T-shirts. "Foremost if I can" is the family saying from the history.
All the food was fantastic, with a huge thanks to Mom and Dad for doing all of that. I liked that there was a plan, and then each smaller family took a meal to get ready and then a clean up time. That made things run smoothly.
On Sunday we all went to Cory and Karissa's ward. Monday it was time to go home, and it was the day the pool was finally fixed! We were able to stay a little longer because the pool heater had been broken the whole time and all the kids went swimming.
A big shout out to Mom and Dad Manwaring. Thank you so very much for wanting to do a trip, and to each and everyone who came and sacrificed their time to be able to be together.
Loves to all and hopefully we'll see many of you again soon!
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