Tuesday, October 4, 2016

A Visit from Grammies and Boompa

At the end of May Grammies and Boompa came to visit.
Grammies was going to stay for little while as well, but for a few days we got to have both with us.
Here's a few things we did:

Nathan took second in the Bikes For Kids stage race

Ready for bedtime

They got to see James' last soccer game
Here he is with his buddy Beck

Free snowcones because it's the last game?  Yes please!
Jonathan was sporting the helmet for a few days straight, and it has been very easy to keep track of him.

Jack being cute

28 weeks along

Kirstin and Taylor coming, taking a nap, and James decided to take one as well with them.

Then we did stomp rockets, some of my kids' favorite things to do

Happy in the Mountain Green sunlight

Grammies helping Jack with his reading

It was a great visit.  We are always so happy when they come to visit.