Thursday, February 12, 2015

New Year's

We had a great New's Years Eve and got spend it with Richard and Rachelle and their great kids, and Jason and Nicole and their cute little bug Emily. 
Cute, cute Jonathan
He's smiling and so interactive

 Emily and Jason playing with a monkey "pack-pack" as my kids call it

This guy is just stealing the show

Playing before dinner

James checking out Emily's monkey "pack-pack"

This guy is so sweet and cute, and I'm so happy he's my son.

Good thing he has his own monkey "pack-pack" because he loved it.

More crazy before dinner

Emily's dinner face

Lydia just being funny

Elisa with Jack and James during a game we played

Lydia sits like Nathan does sometimes

Our family on New Year's Eve
The boys all have their matching space pjs on

Constructing a fort downstairs out of couch cushions

The final result :)

 Once the kids went to bed we played games until midnight

 Not the best picture of us, but we are ready to say hello to 2015!