Thursday, August 21, 2014

Taking Lilah to the Bean...

 ...the Bean Museum at BYU in Provo that is! 
This museum is free, and has been closed for renovations
for a while now, so it was finally open again in June!
While my mama was here after the wedding we went down,
picked up Lilah for the afternoon, and checked it out.
Butterfly exhibit.
It's a giant butterfly made out of butterflies
 Everyone by the elephant

 Playing in a kids area

 Upstairs at the Bean Museum

 You can see the head of the giraffe through this
glass wall on the top floor.

 Jonathan being a good sport and along for the ride

Say "aahh" like the hippo!

Overall a pretty good trip, and we love taking Lilah,
she's a cutie and they are great friends!