The second day we were in DC we were a little off because of the time difference. After waking up, and then realizing how late it was because of the said difference, Kristen and I headed out to brunch, then we went over to the church where the reception was to be held to see if we could help out setting up. We ended up making this ceiling:
There are probably over 35 sheets of that stuff draped through those lines of wire and lights. That took a bit longer than anticipated, so we didn't get to see part of the Smithsonian that day. We did then go to dinner with some friends of Kristen's that night while DeAnna had a family dinner. I got to meet Don and Heather Bugg. They are such neat people!! I really enjoyed talking and getting to know them, it was a highlight of my trip.
Again after dinner Kristen and I used our trusty neverlost GPS and figured out how to get to the Jefferson Memorial. We saw it from farther away, stopped, and got out to take a few pictures.
After that adventure we went back to where we were staying (with some of DeAnna's old roommates from Maryland). Every place we went to seemed to be 30-40 minutes away from where we were. And it wasn't the miles, it was the slower speed limits that out west that I think took us longer. And we needed some sleep, the time difference and our constant go, go, go was starting to catch up. Of course when we did reach DeAnna's roommates place, we stayed up and talked about life, differences of East Coast and the West, they asked me about being a mommy, etc. Good times.
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