Over President's Day weekend, Mom and Dad Manwaring came up to visit. We saw ALL of the grandparents from Nathan's side that weekend. That is no small feat either! Friday night Mom and Dad stayed at our house, along with Karissa and Cory. Saturday morning we arose early (though everyone else had left earlier) and left and made our way up to the farm in Franklin where we visited Grandpa and Grandma Haworth. A breakfast of blueberry pancakes, a ride to see the cows in the barn, and some pictures later, we were back on the road to Pocatello to see Grandma Manwaring. Jason and Nicole met us there, and we all ate lunch together. I especially enjoyed getting Grandma to talk about when she met Grandpa Manwaring on their mission. James liked playing with Grandma's fun trucks and cars and blocks. Grandma has a legacy of music that I hope our children will remember and carry on. She sings and plays the piano beautifully. Turns out she and Grandpa Manwaring sang together on their mission, and the mission president decided that they sounded so good together that they needed to be separated until after the mission! What a story! We even were able to video her while she told it.
We also got a four generation picture with her, Dad, Nathan and the boys. Again, no small feat to have everyone looking at the camera at the same time. I think that Nathan, Dad, and Grandma all look very similar. We'll have to see if our boys end up with a similar nose (which wouldn't be bad, they are all very good looking).
After dinner with her, Nathan and I went back home for the night. Sleeping other places with both our boys isn't the best yet we have learned.
After church on Sunday we then went to Salt Lake to spend time with Grandma Hiller.
I LOVE her creamed corn, and it did not disappoint! She is so easy to talk to, and Nathan and I are grateful that we had the opportunity to live with her to get to know her better after we were first married.
I LOVE her creamed corn, and it did not disappoint! She is so easy to talk to, and Nathan and I are grateful that we had the opportunity to live with her to get to know her better after we were first married.
So there you have it. All the grandparents from Nathan's side in one weekend. Whew!
Thank you to everyone who welcomed us into their home!
We have amazing family, and I am blessed to be a part of it.
Could I get a copy of the video of Grandma talking about Grandpa?
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