Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July Fun on the Farm

We haven't stayed with Mike and Misty Porter in what feels like forever, and we always have a great time when we do, so we decided to visit while we had a free-er weekend. What is great about living only 1.5 hours from the farm is that we can still visit the whole day on Saturday and go home to be able to go to church on Sunday.
So what did we do? We helped them do some yard work in the day. It was lots of fun getting to visit while our hands were busy helping. And just look at these two on the riding lawn mower:

Daddy and James were both so happy to help mow because they got to use the awesome mower!

Tate, Taylee, and James decided the pond in the fountain needed a few more rocks in it while the adults weeded the garden and flower beds.
After the {work} comes playtime, and with the yard work done, we all could play!
We were getting ready to take a four-wheeler ride when it started to rain, so all of us clambered into their Jeep and took that instead.
We took their Jeep Wrangler up places that you only see in commercials.
It was so awesome.
We took it up a mountain right under where there is an eagle's nest on the side of a mountain on the farm, through the river bottoms, up some crazy hills.
I'm glad that we all rode together.
That is the next kind of car that Nathan wants to get when he is done with the U.
James, Mommy, and Daddy at the top, it was pretty windy, and the view was incredible

Then James got to do something that I knew he'd love:
James got to pet the baby cows at the farm!!
I knew he'd love it, so on the Jeep ride Mike pulled over and took James out to see these adorable little guys.
Thank you Mike and Misty for such a great time, one of our best visits ever!!