Spring break, wait, what?! At BYU there was never a spring break, but with Nathan going to the UofU this year for his master's, we got one! It has been cold where we live too, and don't forget snowy (although I've heard this is a moderate year, wonder what a heavy snow year will be like...), so we decided to escape the cold and go somewhere warmer. We were thinking tropical, but decided to save some money this year with the new baby coming, so down to Arizona we went. The trip did not disappoint either.
On the way down we stopped overnight in Las Vegas with Karissa and Cory. The drive is too long for one day for James now (and really for us too, we are wimps). It does give the excuse to see these two, which is always fun. On the way down we enjoyed watching BYU make it to the Sweet Sixteen, and then going out to Applebee's in our BYU paraphernalia for dinner.
All three techo guys. Dad is on the computer, Nathan on is iPhone, and James on the iPad.
Then what was even funnier was that I found them again a few days later....
Nathan got to go on a bike ride everyday, and almost had a 200 mile week. That is impressive. He loved it. I understand a little bit more why people live there, but the summers...another story
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