Growing up in Denver, all of my grandparents were right there. I think that for a while I saw my Papa and Grandma Kitty a few times a week. And I loved it!! I also am close now to my Grams (aka Grandma Kitty, which evolved to Grams over the years), and I attribute it to seeing her lots. She is a great example to me. All of my mom's side also lived closer, and we'd get together for birthday's, holidays, Bronco games. We really loved playing with our cousins. Now I wish that both of our families lived in the same spot, and we could have the same for our kids. We are hoping maybe more of our siblings decide to live in Utah at least, that would be fun. For now, Tanner and Kira are the cousins that live close. And even though they are older than James, I know James (and hope they do too) has fun playing with his cousins.
Anyway, I digress. For Christmas there was this a cheap fare from Denver to SLC, so we jumped on it, and got my parents a ticket each to visit. We told them to pick the times they could come, and we'd make it happen. And, due to work schedules and having 4 doggies at home, they decided to come at different times. That is fun, then James gets one-on-one attention from his Grandpa and Gramies (my parents). In March we are going down to Gilbert to escape the snow and see Nathan's side.
I want to be fair as how we split our time. I love my family, and everytime we go back to Colorado (and more now recently), I miss it. However, I love my in-laws. Actually I see them as my other parents. Who else can say that? I get two mom's and two dad's. I love visiting them too. I don't want one set of grandparents to feel favored over the other. That is why I wish we lived in the same spot, maybe someday?
I digress again. Anyway, my Dad came and visited this last weekend, the first of grandparent visits. Saturday night we sort of threw him into babysitting James while Nathan and I attended a couples activity for church. I don't know if he's watched little kids by himself since we were little. They read books, played with some toys, and watched Ratatouille. Sunday we Kirstin up for the day. That was fun going to church with her. She is so good with James, and when he'd cry, she'd take him out to the hall. Then she, Dad, and I went to look for the Bald Eagles that I saw before. I think most of them were gone, we only saw a few, and it was getting dark, so no pictures :). We went home and had a great dinner then.
Monday we (my Dad, myself, and Jamers) went to the Hill Air Museum. That was really neat, and FrEe!!! James would saw "ooohhh" at the big planes, and would even growl at the planes that had teeth painted on them.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Family is important, visit often!
Monday evening we had the Kutterer's over for dinner. Kira was gorgeous as always, and Tanner was a hoot. He always makes me laugh, and he and James get along famously. Nathan made his mom's lasagna, and we all had a good time. I love living close to them.
Posted by Kendra at 5:10 PM
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