Yesterday was Mother's Day. Thank you to all of the wonderful moms in our lives. We've got:
Aunts that are Awesome
Grandmothers who are Great
Cousins who are Cool
Friends who are Fantastic
Sisters who are Special
Sisters who are Special
Moms who are Marvelous.
We love you all, there are too many to name, and thank you for your support, friendships, and love that you bring to our lives.
And it was my FiRsT Mother's Day as an honest to goodness, real-life mommy. Motherhood is harder than anything, but wonderful and so fulfilling. I love being a mommy to my Jamers. I never knew how much I could love. Now I understand how our mothers love us. I also am beginning to see how our Heavenly Father loves all of us. It really blows my mind, and I am so grateful for all that I have now.
Mommy and James in the front yard after church
We went up and checked out how the house is coming. A post on that will be coming. Tom and Krisite and Houston were in Ogden with some of their grandparents, so they swung by too. After that we went on a walk on the land across the street from our house.
Not going to lie, I'm getting really excited to live there, but at the same time Provo has become home and I'll miss it a lot too.
We also visited the Kutterer's that evening, and caught this awesome shot of James while Mike was holding him
Happy Mother's Day everyone!!
Happy Mother's Day Kendra! You are such a great mommy! I love the pictures of James- what a cutie. Your house looks like it's coming along great, how exciting!
I love that you're getting to watch your house as it's built! That's awesome! I'm sure you're excited to live up there, and Provo isn't too far away. I guarantee you can go back and visit all your favorite places sometime. :)
Love the picture of you and James on Mother's Day!
What an ADORABLE picture of you and James! You both look so cute! Happy 1st Mother's day!
I can't believe the spider that Nathan got bit by! I bet you're looking forward to your new house! I looks like it's getting closer :).
That is so neat that you got to meet Nie Nie at Costco. She really is an amazing woman.
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