Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Body Worlds

For one of my clinicals the whole class went to the Body World's exhibit in Salt Lake City. This is really neat, because they are real bodies that have been preserved in a new and special way so that no formaldehyde is used and it doesn't smell like anatomy lab at all. The different positions also were really neat. There was a whole circulatory system that they had preserved without the rest of the body. I also learned neat things about hearts, including how hard a normal person's heart works in comparison to super athlete Lance Armstrong. The downside though was the price, way expensive, even with the student and group discount that we got going together. Also, though it was neat to see, it was a bit like anatomy lab, except that you couldn't touch it. Oh well, very interesting none the less, and I snuck some pictures:)

Inside of camels, they had more than just humans

A lift, just minus the skin!

Friends from school, from left to right: Enga, Sophia, me, Gabbi, and Shelene


Stephanie said...

oh my gosh, isn't body worlds the best!! You haven't even posted anything and I'm already excited! I saw it about 3 years ago and fell in love...one day I'll be able to see it again.

ThePalmers said...

Sorry for the mass "commenting" everyone, but check out the HHS friends get together at


John and Victoria said...

wow, that is a really cool exhibit. And so fun that you got to go for school. Do you know know long the exhibit is there for??