So this first part of June was the first Grandparent week that my kids could go to!
Grandma and Papa took all the grandkids 3{almost} and up, and spent the week with them!
Holy cow, did they do a lot and have fun.
Each day they did a craft, went on a field trip, and had fun with
Grandma and Papa. Some of the activities were learning to sew
(James now wants to "needle" something by himself to fix holes in his pants
instead of using patches) where the kids got to learn to sew a button on,
made a pinecone birdfeeder (which are now on our front trees and
the birds are eating the seeds!, James and Jack check daily
how many seeds are left), took the frontrunner train down to Temple Square!!!,
painted rocks, made these neat tye-dye T-shirts (some of my kids favorite now),
played lots of games, took them all to church!, and over all had a great grandparent week!
All the grandkids at Grandparent week with
Papa and Grandma
Grandkids in order from youngest Jack to oldest Elisa
Silly face picture
After the week was up Robert and Kortney and Richard and Rachelle
were staying a few extra days, so everyone stayed some extra
days and all the grandkids and parents then
were at Grandma and Papa's house.
Emma meeting Jonathan
We went to the Hill Air Force Museum, and they let us
in the educational area where the school groups go
to make rockets!

"Hmm, what's in there?"
Then each kid got to shoot them off outside!
These things went seriously high, much higher than
the buildings.

Watching a take-off
Jack's face is awesome

The whole group in front of a large carrier plane
Me with James and cute nieces

Rachelle and Finn

We went to the Hill Air Force Museum, and they let us
in the educational area where the school groups go
to make rockets!

"Hmm, what's in there?"

Then each kid got to shoot them off outside!
These things went seriously high, much higher than
the buildings.

Watching a take-off
Jack's face is awesome

The whole group in front of a large carrier plane

Me with James and cute nieces

Rachelle and Finn
The last night there was a treasure hunt and at the
end there were beautiful treasure boxes to keep
James with his California Cousins
The boys
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
James and Jack loved being with their Papa and Grandma
and all their cousins for so long! They are asking
when they get to spend the night again, and when their
cousins are coming back :)