Having two little boy's while Nathan has been gone a lot this semester for his master's has been tiresome to say the least. I have struggled with his absence, not only because we miss our daddy, but I miss my best friend. I wanted to be a parent with him, not by myself. Feeding them (especially James), putting them to bed, playing during the day, running errands, all without daddy, is hard work.
Anyone who says that being a stay at home mommy is not work, I'd like to leave you with my kids for a day.
These last three weeks have been the hardest. Of course they were the weeks leading up to Nathan's master's project presentation. He was missing key figures at work while they were in India for eighteen days for one co-workers wedding, and another partner got married and was on his honeymoon during that time. Doing work and school work has made Nathan MIA.
Anyone who says that being a stay at home mommy is not work, I'd like to leave you with my kids for a day.
These last three weeks have been the hardest. Of course they were the weeks leading up to Nathan's master's project presentation. He was missing key figures at work while they were in India for eighteen days for one co-workers wedding, and another partner got married and was on his honeymoon during that time. Doing work and school work has made Nathan MIA.
I pray that I'll never have to really do it by myself.
Yes there are tears daily, but there are good times, too.
Sometimes I wish that I was the one in school, learning new things, applying them by problem solving. Maybe again someday.
James playing with Simba and Nala
Jack-Jack giving smiles
Yes there are tears daily, but there are good times, too.
Sometimes I wish that I was the one in school, learning new things, applying them by problem solving. Maybe again someday.
Anyway, we still do things even though Nathan has been doing his master's project and write-up most nights. To keep sane (and fit) I like to head to the gym every morning to get a workout in, be it lifting weights, running, and usually a combo of both. That time to myself usually gets me through the day. Nathan has to stay home on weekends as well lately, so the boys and I go out and have adventures. We've been to Heber to help with Amy's baby shower at Aubreigh's house, doing yard work, and various holiday activities for Easter and Earth Day.
Cole and James at the Ogden Nature Center on Earth Day
I'm getting a good routine of doing "life" with two kids by myself. Other things we do include going to the park, and having James play with friends he has around here as well (and I get to visit with my friends while he plays with his),
We visited Kirstin in Provo one day this month. Sometimes I get to see Kristie and Lilah in Provo, too. I even got a sitter and went out with some girlfriends on a Friday night to see The Hunger Games movie.
Aubreigh and Quinn came up to see us one week...
Soul sisters and Jack-Jack
Quinn hiding in the toy box

...then we got to meet them in Park City for some much needed shopping at the outlets another.
Aubreigh snuggling with Jack-Jack
I have to remember that things don't have to be perfect, such as the house or dinner or the lawn mowed. I do a pretty good job of keeping the house picked up, but I despise making dinner. And folding laundry.
James making the smoothie for us one night
I have to think each day are the kids happy, did we spend time together, are they fed, did I give them a kiss, do they know that I love them?
If I can answer yes to those questions, then I think I'm doing a pretty good job.

I love this quote, and it is perfect for this period in our life right now:
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about dancing in the rain
I'm getting a good routine of doing "life" with two kids by myself. Other things we do include going to the park, and having James play with friends he has around here as well (and I get to visit with my friends while he plays with his),
Aubreigh and Quinn came up to see us one week...
...then we got to meet them in Park City for some much needed shopping at the outlets another.
I have to remember that things don't have to be perfect, such as the house or dinner or the lawn mowed. I do a pretty good job of keeping the house picked up, but I despise making dinner. And folding laundry.
I have to think each day are the kids happy, did we spend time together, are they fed, did I give them a kiss, do they know that I love them?
If I can answer yes to those questions, then I think I'm doing a pretty good job.
I love this quote, and it is perfect for this period in our life right now:
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about dancing in the rain