We helped to create a monster!! Not really, but we have gotten our cousin and friend Tom McConnon into triathlon's and he did his first one this weekend, June 27, at the Jordanelle Reservoir near Park City. He did awesome!! The bike was pretty intense being uphill, and he finished in 1:17 something, with a fourth place in his age division! Way to go Tom, thanks for letting us come and watch!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Rock Cliff Tri
Posted by Kendra at 9:18 AM 1 comments
Nursing and Needles
So, what a week for me! On Wednesday the 24th I took the NCLEX (the state board exam that licenses nurses), and man was that stressful. The test gives you a maximum of five hours, and a minimum of 85 questions to a max of 205. It is an adaptive test, so the more questions that you get right, the harder it gets, and it shows your competency. If you are on the border of competent, it keeps giving you questions. If you show competency at 85 questions, then your test automatically shuts off. However, if you got so many wrong that there would be no showing competency no matter how many questions it gave you, it also shuts off at 85 questions. Well, my test shut off at 85, and I felt pretty good about it, but I was still worried. I shouldn't have been because then two days later I found myself listed online as licensed, and I received my actual license the day after! YEAH!! I passed and now I'm a licensed practical nurse in Utah!!! The place probably fingerprinted me 8 times, patted me down as I went in the room, and wouldn't even allow a hairtie on my wrist during the exam. Pretty strict, but I'm glad that they are very serious about cheating on this. At this same time I took phlebotomy, and had volunteers come the last two days so that I could practice poking them. Tuesday, the 23rd Jenn, Kathy, Karissa, Cory, and Jason all volunteered. They must love me a lot to trust me to do that on them!! Then on Thursday the 25th Nathan and Tom came and volunteered. I only needed two successful arm and hand venipunctures to pass, and I got from them :) Kristie came for support. So now I'm a state certified phlebotomist and an LPN!
Posted by Kendra at 9:18 AM 6 comments
Nathan's little sister Jennifer moved in with us for summer term at BYU, and his mom Kathy, brought her up from AZ. It was lots of fun having her visit, we had family dinners and games many nights. Thanks again for coming up and staying with us :) We loved having you, come again any time!
Posted by Kendra at 9:18 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Salem and Provo Triathlons

Posted by Nathan at 11:44 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Summer Denver Trip 09
I've now seen my family before the baby is born. My grams sold her home in Parker, CO, and I wanted to go and see it one last time. It was the best trip that I've had with my parents and sister, probably ever. We went to the zoo (yeah, I know, I'm really into zoo's lately, and now it is fun to compare them), haven't been there in at least 12 years, and it is STILL the best zoo in my opinion, it was perfect weather, and the animals were all out and active!
Posted by Kendra at 10:46 AM 5 comments
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Gruffy the Goat
Of course we love adventures, and the way home from Arizona was no exception. While traveling through the t Navajo Reservation we saved a baby goat from being squished on the highway. He almost wandered in front of our car, but luckily didn't, and we went back, caught him, and took him to the goat farmers we saw two miles back. The people recognized him, so we found his home, and he was safe, though we would have loved to keep him. He was so soft and cuddly. We were really glad that we were able to help this little guy out.
Posted by Kendra at 1:01 PM 2 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
Arizona Trip 09
We went down to Arizona to visit Nathan's side of the family, and wanted to go for two reasons: a) to see Nathan's brother Robert and our sister in law Kortney's new baby, and b) to visit before we had a baby. Though it takes awhile to get there, we sure had lots of fun, and it is always nice to talk in the car. The first night we had dinner with everyone, and the new baby Ryan sure is a cutie. Our niece Kaylee is one of the cutest, and so well behaved, it definitely a reflection on Robert and Kortney. Tuesday they had to leave to go to Franklin of all places to see one of Kortney's grandparents who is not doing well and it might be the last time they could see her. We did go the Phoenix Zoo that morning though, which we loved. We learned two things that morning: 1) 2 1/2 year olds are LOTS of fun at zoos because they are interested in everything, and 2) go to zoos EARLY in the morning because the animals are actually AWAKE!!
Posted by Kendra at 8:05 PM 0 comments