Okay, so I'll get around to finishing my Christmas post, but I just can't wait to post this good news any longer...we are expecting!!!! Yippee! I've been wanting to post this since we found out, but wanted to wait until we were far enough along before we started telling people. We are due August 7th, and I'm nine weeks along this week. Everything so far is going great, no sickness (maybe just a little, but then I eat and I'm fine), and of course a bit more tired than usual. We are so excited to go hear the heartbeat next week at the doctor. It was lots of fun telling family in person over Christmas. We gave some people bags of mini M&M's with a sign that said "Mini Manwaring is on the Way!". Then for my parents and Grams we got mini snacks to eat during the movie "A Christmas Carol" that we all watched together on Christmas Eve, ie. baby carrots, mini chicken sandwiches, mini snickers, baby waffles, etc. That didn't exactly get the point across, so we also gave them a card saying "Merry Christmas Grandparents" and one to Grams for the great-grandma after the movie. Then they got it, and everyone knows now. We are pretty excited for this new adventure in life:) Can't wait to see you baby!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The Best Surprise Finally Revealed!
Posted by Kendra at 4:13 PM 12 comments
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Christmas this year we spent in Colorado with Kendra's side of the family. It was lots of fun staying with Grams at her place, playing games with the family, and most of all being together for Christmas. Here are some things we did:
Posted by Kendra at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Ward Christmas Party
So for the BYU 103rd Ward Christmas Party Nathan volunteered to cater the dinner! Yeah, wow, but with the help from Mom Manwaring getting some supplies and the recipes needed, we were able to do it, and it was a success. We made 3 large pans of green bean casserole, 4 pans of funneral potatoes, 7 spiral cut hams with glaze, salad, rolls, and the dessert was a "bring your favorite holiday dessert". It was work, the day of was intense, but it ended up tasting great. Thank you to everyone who helped bake it the day of, and thank you to Kirstin and Trevor for helping to put the ingrediants together and serving. If anyone needs a caterer, Nathan and I are now avaliable, we can do it!
Posted by Kendra at 11:53 AM 1 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
Vail Skiing
For a birthday weekend/early Christmas gift Nathan and I got the opportunity to go to Vail, CO for skiing and relaxing! I had wanted to give a weekend away gift for Christmas for Nathan, and was exploring Park City, when a long time family friend emailed me and asked if we would be interested in using her timeshare condo in Vail. Of course we couldn't take off the entire week, but we were able to do the weekend. Then, to not pay and arm and two legs to ski, I contacted another cousin who works for Vail Resorts to see if we could get some sort of discount. Both of those worked out, and to top it all off, we asked some of our best friends and cousins, Tom and Kristie, to go with us. The end result= the best time ever skiing and a fabulous weekend! Kristie picked up skiing so quickly, and I felt like it was my best time going personally, Nathan loves it, and Tom is one of the best skiers I know, so everyone had fun, and no one got hurt! It was so great to go with awesome friends and everyone enjoyed getting into the holiday spirit. Thank you Tom and Kristie for going, you made the trip awesome and we love you guys tons!
Posted by Kendra at 1:49 PM 4 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Kendra's Birthday
For my birthday this year we went to Nathan's work party. The food was good, and we had a fun white elephant exchange. Nathan got to play his boss at ping pong, and luckily didn't win every time :) When we got home Kirstin had made me parfait's for my birthday cake. It was a great time had by all. THanks for all the birthday wishes!
Posted by Kendra at 11:54 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Thanksgiving 08 in AZ
This Thanksgiving we went to the Manwaring's in Gilbert, and did some really fun things that included: a Manwaring Turkey Bowel flag football game, good food, family pictures, fun games, a family talent show, Mesa Temple Lights, going to the temple as a family, making gingerbread houses, and getting to be together. Thanks a bunch to Mom and Dad Manwaring, it was great!
Posted by Kendra at 9:19 PM 4 comments