Monday, October 22, 2007

October 2007

Nathan has traveled to Ohio this month, and Kendra is busy with tests, labs, and papers, and two jobs! At least the extra money will come in handy. Nathan is loving his job, and is getting used to the commute to Salt Lake. It actually isn't as bad as everyone might think. Kendra's studying is paying off, and even achieved the highest grade on the first test in her Exercise Physiology class, a 400 level science class! We both still love to go to the gym, and enjoy staying healthy together. Kendra is also learning new things in her major that will help our gym time be even more productive.
We've gone on a few hikes up the canyon, and with the fall leaves it was just beautiful. We love going up to the mountains and seeing the beauty around us. Lady likes to chase deer we've learned, but we think that she'd get scared if she ever got too close to one. She's pretty good though about staying right with us, and we enjoy being outdoors with her. She can be so funny, and her reactions to different environments is very entertaining. The one picture is like a "Where's Waldo" picture, you have to find Lady! The other is us hiking off the Alpine Loop.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Wow, is October going by fast or what? Kendra just went to her cousin Amy's wedding in Chicago, and got to see some of her Dad's side of the family that she hasn't seen in awhile(well, maybe just since our wedding!) It was really neat, and an absolutely gorgeous wedding. Everything was so beautiful, the ceremony and reception, and she finally figured out where some of her accent comes from...Chicago! On the same weekend, Nathan went with lots of the family to the Asian Star in Salt Lake City to celebrate Karissa, Grandma Hiller, and Caleb Hiller's birthday's. What was neat was that Nathan's mom Kathy, and other sister, Jennifer, also came up from Arizona. It is so wonderful to spend time with family.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

We were so lucky to get tickets to go to General Conference this time!! It was wonderful, and the scenery that we are there while they are speaking is really amazing. We had great seats, and were on the floor, the closest I've ever been. It made me appreciate even more that we live so close to Salt Lake, Temple Square, and the wonderful experiences that can bring. Here is a picture of us outside the conference center.